Comments inline below..

> On Apr 20, 2015, at 10:44 AM, Ron Wheeler <> 
> wrote:
> RDF sounds like overkill. There is no reason why a comment could not be a URI 
> but I am not sure that you want to mandate that.
> Use Case 1 link to web resource
> <dependency comment=" 
> <>”>

Having dealt with this sort of thing on other projects, linked comments sound 
good at first but ultimately become a very bad idea IMO. This creates a 
non-idempotent and brittle link scenario where the comment url is out of synch 
with the content in the POM.

> Use Case 2 lots of in-line deatils
>        <dependency comment="added to support PDF output">
>            <groupId>org.apache.xmlgraphics</groupId>
>            <artifactId>fop</artifactId>
>            <version comment="Can't use version 2.x see FOP-3423">1.0</version>
>            <optional comment="set to true to get text in black on 
> white">true</optional>
>        </dependency>
> Use case 3 reference to a full explanation in the description
> There is also the description tag which could be used to hold more details
>        <dependency comment="See note 2  in description tag.”>

I’m not sure I’m seeing a difference between UC 2 & 3. Unless you mean 
something more like this for UC 3:
        <dependency comment_ref=“note2”>  <!— or some XPath expression —>
        <description comment_refid=“note2” comment=“This version doesn’t work 
for the following reasons:….”> 

> IDE's could show comment attributes on tags in the POM editor or in XML 
> outline views.
> It seems to be a lot more flexible than adding comment tags and probably less 
> intrusive to existing plug-ins.

I think comment tags should still be included.  Inline is great for short 
descriptions, but nothing really beats having a tag element that doesn’t 
require a lot of XML escaping like an attribute would need.

- Jim

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