I personally haven't taken any of your comments as 'feather rufflers'
:-) and I agree with your points.

Yes, Maven will continue to work with whatever version of Ant it is
built against, as Craig pointed out, but many of Maven's core plugins
rely heavily on Ant (as they should) for some of the lower level grunt
work.  (I did a quick search and more than 65 of the maven plugins
contain the 'ant:' tag.)  I think this is a great strategy both
short-term and long-term (why should Maven try to re-invent the
wheel?) so, IMHO, it would be in the best interest of Maven to keep up
with the latest version of Ant.

In addition to the reasons listed about, I have personally found the
need for Ant 1.6.2 functionality in some of the maven.xml files and
the project specific plugins I have written for my current project
here at work.  It becomes a source of tremendous frustration when you
need to work around the limitations of Ant 1.5.3 using a poorly
documented and poorly supported scripting language like Jelly.

I don't want to start a flame war because I really like Maven and I
admire all of the hard work the developers have put into it, so let me
apologize now if anything I have said offends anyone.

Mike Gaffney

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 09:59:54 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Again, I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers so please do not take it
> personally.  I really do like the concept of Maven and I am trying to get
> it incorporated into our environment.  We also have people here that are
> currently using Ant and are on 1.6 version. I think Maven is a next
> natural step beyond Ant but getting people to switch from Ant 1.6 and move
> back to something utilizing Ant 1.5.3 would make it harder for me to
> convince people to switch.
> Furthermore, as Ant continues to progress relying on an old version opens
> up Maven to risk whether real or perceived.  The perception risk is Maven
> uses old Ant = not current, not good.  Regardless of how well Maven may
> function perception counts.
> Regards,
> Earl Hokens
> 312-322-4173 (desk)
> 312-404-2718 (mobile)
> Craig S.Cottingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10/14/2004 09:42 AM
> Please respond to "Maven Users List"
>         To:     "Maven Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         cc:
>         Subject:        Re: Compatibility with Ant 1.6?
> On Oct 14, 2004, at 09:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I don't want to overstep my bounds but even with significant
> > compatibility
> > issues I think that it would be crucial to keep up with the
> > progression of
> > Ant. Eventually, you'd have to abandon Ant or incur an even bigger
> > compatibility problem.  Not keeping up may encourage people to abandon
> > Maven.
> I don't see how any of your points are logical conclusions of not using
> the "latest and greatest" version of Ant. Whichever version of Ant is
> currently used in Maven, will continue to work in Maven. Ant going to
> version 1.7, or 2.0, won't suddenly cause Maven to stop working. And if
> Maven is still working, why would I abandon it? Certainly not just
> because there's a newer version of Ant available.
> --
> Craig S. Cottingham
> OpenPGP key available from:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7977F79C
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