On 17 Nov 2016, Clemens von Musil wrote:

> We pushed a very minimal example project to a public github repo located
> here:
> https://github.com/kr1schan/mavenToy
> The project consists of an ear, two war modules, one ejb module and one
> plain jar artifact.
> Both war modules depend on the ejbmodule as well as on the jar artifact.
> SkinnyWar is enabled and configured in all conscience.
> After 'mvn clean package', the resulting ear shows correct handling of the
> jar dependency.
> The ejb dependency remains in both war files.

Good to have a minimal example showing the problem! I confirm that I can
reproduce the buggy (?) behavior.

Unfortunately I can reproduce it and can't see the error when looking
into it for 5 minutes. Don't have time for a close look right now, sorry.

- martin

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