> I'm interested in why you need MS949 for project.xml. The reason I ask
> is that we intend to switch to a smaller, faster XML parser in Maven
> 1.1, however it is likely to support fewer encodings and xml features
> - but still supports everything required to correctly operate Maven
> that we have found to date.
> If you could explain the need for this encoding, and whether there are
> any alternatives, that would be great.

I'm Korean, and in Korea, MS Windows Korean version is most popular OS. Because this 
OS's default encoding is MS949, most of source codes and documents is written in MS949 
encoding. Of course, it's not impossible to change encoding to UTF-8, but it is 
expensive. In J2EE platform, there are many points that might raise encoding conflict 
problem and we have verified them for MS949 encodings, but not for UTF-8 and other 
There is EUC-KR encoding for Korean and xerces support it. but it cannot support all 
korean characters. So we need support for MS949 encoding. 

Sun changed their JVM's default parser from Crimson to Xerces in JDK 5.0. But Instead 
of using xerces directly, they fixed some features of xerces. So, using JDK 5.0, all 
java encodings are supported. So I want to use this, but to use this, I should fix 
maven execution script file.

I think it will be good to switch to lightweight parser, but user should be able to 
select their own parser.

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