> The pom.xml has 2 profiles

I meant the pom file that delcares the missing dependency. Your
(transitive) dependency's pom.xml.

On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 13:29 Thad Humphries <thad.humphr...@gmail.com>

> Thanks. I might be missing something but I can't see it. Responses inline.
> On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 12:00 PM Tomo Suzuki <suzt...@google.com.invalid>
> wrote:
> > My guess
> >
> > - Maven profiles activated based on environment
> >
> The pom.xml has 2 profiles, both triggered by -P, not (that I know of) by
> the environment. In any case, environments are (at least from the debug)
> the same except for "java.awt.headless: true" in the debug from the office
> Mac that I telnet into. That's the Mini with the extra JAR, but my MacBook
> has it, too, and it's here with me.
> Of the two declared profiles, one profile selects GWT devmode, while the
> other packages the *war. In all the cases that I am describing, I'm
> using the packaging profile. Each time the command is
> $ mvn clean exec:exec -Dexec.executable="xslt" package -P package
> (The exec:exec builds the webapp's online manual using DocBook. It's later
> copied into the *war. Same DocBook version, same version of xsltproc.)
> Running `mvn help:effective-settings` shows the same settings on each
> machine except for hostnames. Is there another command I should try?
> > - Download URL was unavailable
> >
> I don't think so. I've packaged this dozens of times over the past 3 days
> with the same results each time. The Git and Nexus servers are inside the
> office, but I've had no connection issues with them. I have a VPN to
> everything there.
> > or
> > - Disk was full when downloading
> >
> Both Mac Minis have 1.12TB Fusion drives with over 50% free.
> >
> > On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 15:34 Thad Humphries <thad.humphr...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I have *war that I've built on 3 different Macs (maven-war-plugin
> 3.3.2).
> > > The code is pulled from my local git repo, and the supporting jars are
> > from
> > > a local Nexus repository. All Macs use the same setup--Amazon Corretto
> > Java
> > > 11 and Maven 3.9.1. The ~/.m2/settings.xml are identical. Two of the
> Macs
> > > produce the same *war (a Mini with 10.15.7 and a MacBook with 12.6.5).
> > The
> > > third Mac--also a Mini with 10.15.7--is missing one JAR file in
> > > WEB-INF/lib. How can this be?
> > >
> > > The missing JAR is in each local repository. I do not see this JAR
> when I
> > > run `mvn dependency:tree`, though I see a different (newer) version as
> > > "provided." The missing JAR doesn't seem to matter when the webapp runs
> > (no
> > > problems found so far). Any idea as to why, and what I can (or should?)
> > do
> > > for a consistent build?
> > >
> > > --
> > > "Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one self-place; but where
> > we
> > > are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be" --Christopher
> > > Marlowe, *Doctor Faustus* (v. 111-13)
> > >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Tomo
> >
> --
> "Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one self-place; but where we
> are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be" --Christopher
> Marlowe, *Doctor Faustus* (v. 111-13)

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