> I have *war that I've built on 3 different Macs (maven-war-plugin 3.3.2).

Is there a reason you're rebuilding your WAR three times on different Macs?

> The code is pulled from my local git repo, and the supporting jars are from
> a local Nexus repository.

Are they all building from the same git branch/ref? Everything is pulled

> The missing JAR is in each local repository. I do not see this JAR when I
> run `mvn dependency:tree`, though I see a different (newer) version as
> "provided."

Provided means you are in charge of supplying the JAR, not Maven. Typically
this means you expect the JAR will already be available at runtime, e.g. in
your application server's provided JARs, so there's no point in bundling it
into your WAR. Are you certain this is not just a case of having different
application server versions installed, or someone manually updated the
provided JARs on one of them?

> The missing JAR doesn't seem to matter when the webapp runs (no
> problems found so far). Any idea as to why, and

> what I can (or should?) do for a consistent build?

 Make sure you're not using version ranges, and that all versions are
specified. For more tips, see:

This is all hypothetical, you didn't show/reference a concrete example pom
we could look at.

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