Hi Fred,
It appears to work correctly if you use a preGoal on 
maven-javadoc-plugin:report goal to set your maven.compile.src.set property.



-----Original Message-----
From: Frédéric Burlet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 March 2005 13:00
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: RE: Generation of javadoc with multiple src directories

Hi Stéphane :)

As the debug output shows it, the pom.package properties is set. I
checked it twice by looking into my project.xml and it is well



On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 13:50 +0100, Stéphane Nicoll wrote:
> Hey Fred ;-)
> Have you checked that your POM contains a package entry? This is used by the 
> javadoc engine to filter which source files need to be handled
> <package>com.kiala.kserver</package> should do it.
> Cheers,
> Stéphane
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frédéric Burlet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:48 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Generation of javadoc with multiple src directories
> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate javadoc for a project that has multiple directories.
> First I seen that this is only possible with the maven-javadoc-plugin 1.7 
> since there is a bug in 1.6.1. [1]
> [1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPJAVADOC-41
> I checked the FAQ about how to handle project with multiple src dirs [2]. I 
> setup my maven.xml to take care of this: I changed my pregoal name by 
> "javadoc:generate".
> [2] http://maven.apache.org/faq.html#multiple-source-directories
> However when I do maven -Dmaven.javadoc.debug=true javadoc:generate I see two 
> things:
> a. maven.compile.src.set is not changed and contains only one path to a src 
> dir (which is existing). b. the generation fails and I get:
>     [echo] internal_javadoc_needed is false
>     [echo] *******************************************
>     [echo] * No sources found. Javadoc not created ! *
>     [echo] *******************************************
> I would like to know if there are any docs somewhere about how to generate 
> javadoc for a maven project with multiple source dirs; or if anybody from 
> this ml already set up this kind of config ?
> Here below you will find the debug outpout of the maven-javadoc-public.
> Any help will be appreciated,
> Regards,
> Fred.
> ### Debug mode is on ###
> ==================================
> === java plugin properties     ===
> ==================================
> maven.compile.encoding            = []
> maven.compile.src.set             = [/home/fbu/workspace-kserver-
> head/kserver/modules/tests/src/java]
> ==================================
> === docs properties            ===
> ==================================
> maven.docs.outputencoding         = [ISO-8859-1]
> ==================================
> === javadoc plugin properties  === ==================================
> --------------------
> Javadoc properties :
> --------------------
> maven.javadoc.additionalparam     = []
> maven.javadoc.debug               = [true]
> maven.javadoc.doclet              = []
> maven.javadoc.docletpath          = []
> maven.javadoc.excludepackagenames = []
> maven.javadoc.locale              = []
> maven.javadoc.maxmemory           = []
> maven.javadoc.overview            = []
> maven.javadoc.package             = []
> maven.javadoc.private             = [true]
> maven.javadoc.public              = []
> maven.javadoc.source              = []
> maven.javadoc.useexternalfile     = [yes]
> ----------------------------
> Standard doclet properties :
> ----------------------------
> maven.javadoc.author              = [true]
> maven.javadoc.bottom              = [Copyright &amp;copy;  Kiala, IT
> Dev. All Rights Reserved.]
> maven.javadoc.customtags          = []
> maven.javadoc.destdir             = [/home/fbu/workspace-kserver-
> head/kserver/modules/tests/target/docs/apidocs]
> maven.javadoc.links               = []
> maven.javadoc.offlineLinks        = []
> maven.javadoc.mode.online         = []
> maven.javadoc.stylesheet          = [/home/fbu/.maven/cache/maven-
> javadoc-plugin-1.7/plugin-resources/stylesheet.css]
> maven.javadoc.tagletpath          = []
> maven.javadoc.taglets             = []
> maven.javadoc.use                 = [true]
> maven.javadoc.version             = [true]
> maven.javadoc.windowtitle         = [kserver-tests 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT API]
> ==================================
> === Project descriptor         ===
> ==================================
> pom.package                       = [com.kiala.kservertests]
> ==================================
> === javadoc internal variables === ==================================
> internal_javadoc_jar              = [/home/fbu/workspace-kserver-
> head/kserver/modules/tests/target/kserver-tests-1.2.0-
> SNAPSHOT_javadoc.jar]
> internal_javadoc_needed           = []
> internal_javadoc_working_dir      = [/home/fbu/workspace-kserver-
> head/kserver/modules/tests/target/javadoc]
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /home/fbu/workspace-kserver- 
> head/kserver/modules/tests/target/javadoc
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /home/fbu/workspace-kserver- 
> head/kserver/modules/tests/target/javadoc/src
>     [echo] sourceModifications not used.
> [DEBUG] Adding reference: internal_javadoc_sources -> 
> [DEBUG] fileset: Setup scanner in dir /home/fbu/workspace-kserver- 
> head/kserver/modules/tests/src/java with patternSet{ includes: 
> [com/kiala/kservertests/**/*.java] excludes: [] }
>     [echo] internal_javadoc_needed is false
>     [echo] *******************************************
>     [echo] * No sources found. Javadoc not created ! *
>     [echo] ***************
Frédéric Burlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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