
We used to use MyEclipse but have let our subscriptions lapse on purpose. In general, I think MyEclipse is a decent set of features for the $$$, though the XML editor seemed a bit buggy. We have found we can do more with less (maven, mavenide, Tomcat plugin, etc) as you seem to have found. While at first the MyEclipse "way" of allowing editting of webapp content (e.g., jsp, etc) in place seems a time saver, it presumes there is no build process for any of that content. This quickly turned out not to be the case on the project we purchased the subscriptions for, which led to a very awkward build/deploy process that we, unfortunately, had to expose to our customer. Toward the end of that project, I switched to maven for the build (multiproject with 4 interrelated subprojects) and have never looked back.

Yes, during development with Eclipse I almost always have a command prompt up for running maven goals. It's what I'm used to doing

I have not used the tomcat plugin for Maven, only the one for Eclipse and it seems to work fine.


jk jk wrote:

Hi all,

Im getting setup to use Maven on a new project and
would like to know the best approach in intergrating
Maven with development, specifically using Eclipse (w/
MyEclipse plugin).  Its usually a preference thing,
but any feedback would assist me.

After working with Maven goals on Eclipse as opposed
to command prompt, I find it faster to use the command
prompt then executing maven goals in eclipse.  The
only thing with this approach is that you would always
need a command prompt while you're developing rather
just dealing with your IDE.  Do most use the command
prompt to execute maven goals?

When developing and then testing the web app, I find
it easy to use myeclipse to allow me to automatically
deploy my web app in exploded archive in Tomcat.  But
once you adhere to Maven's recommended directory
structure, it doesnt work with Myeclipse.  So I've
resorted to using the Tomcat plugin for Maven (using
the maven tomcat:install or tomcat:reload goals).  But
even then, it sometimes doesnt work.  Does anyone have
the same issue?


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