On Oct 26, 2005, at 3:30 AM, Greg Wilkins wrote:

Brett Porter wrote:
I think you should just leave them out of your repository, and leave
it up to Geronimo/Tomcat to deploy them into the repo (which they do
now, I think).

Neither geronimo or tomcat has a properly named m2 repository yet.
They alos version the servlet.jar with their own versioning scheme (eg 5.0.28
from tomcat).

I really don't want Jetty to depend on either of these projects.
I also want the ability to modify the source of javax.servlet classes
if need be (this has been required in the past).

So I'd prefer to continue bundling the javax.servlet jars in the
jetty m2 repository.    It is named according to the m2 guidelines,
versioned corrected (as 2.4) and is under the jetty GroupId so there
is no confusion as to their source.

Ideally, I think apache should branch all the standard javax
stuff into a project of it's own.   That way tomcat, jetty and
geronimo would all be siblings and there would be no cross
dependancies and versioning could be correctly done.


Several geronimo developers have discussed this as well but we haven't had time to gather support from the other apache projects bundling specs such as tomcat, axis, pluto, etc etc etc.

I think that we will still need to include more versioning information than the spec version, such as

Just as you have needed to modify spec code when problems appear, at geronimo we've recently found some problems in e.g. jacc, which has been passing the tck for months and months. So, I think we need the ability to fix bugs within a spec version.

david jencks

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