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My initial guess is that since you have <offline/> set to true, it's not
accessing any remote repositories at all, regardless of whether it's got
a local mirror. Have you tried with the local mirror and offline==false?

What files did you copy over? Did you get the metadata files as well as
the jars? Finally, are you sure you got all the dependencies of the
archetype plugin and the archetype artifact itself?

One other thing I'd suggest trying is a triple-slash in your path, like


I've personally found the file: URL format to be a bit confusing, and
I'm not 100% sure what will work and what won't. The big problem here
seems to be that it cannot determine from the metadata which version of
the archetype plugin to use...by checking those maven-metadata XML files
in the repository.

If you are sure you have all the dependencies, and that your repository
path is correct, you can try the fully specified invocation, which looks

mvn <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>:<goal>

Which should pin the plugin version down to a concrete value, and skip
any mucking around with metadata.

Let's find out what works here, and then we'll write up some formal doco
for the next guy. :)



Eric Parpal wrote:
| My working network has no connection to internet (no way).
| I download and copied the part of www.ibiblio.org/maven2 that seemed to
| me necessary to launch the first command of the Quick Start (mvn
| archetype:create), let's say under file:/mypath/ibiblio/maven2.
| I tried several things, one by one, or combined. I always failed and got
| the same message (the plugin
| org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin does not exist or no
| valid version could be found).
| My big problem is that maven never says to me what's the real problem !
| Whatever the way, always the same message. No way to know if my mirror
| or my repository is ignored, or is taken into account but not correct,
| or else.
| Here are the things I tried :
| * a mirror defined in my settings.xml :
| <mirror>
|     <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
|     <name>mirror1</name>
|     <url>file:/mypath/ibiblio/maven2</url>
|     <id>mirror1</id>
| </mirror>
| * a profile/repository defined in my settings.xml :
| <profiles>
|     <profile>
|         <repositories>
|             <repository>
|                 <id>repo1</id>
|                 <name>repo1</name>
|                 <url>file:/mypath/ibiblio/maven2</url>
|             </repository>
|         </repositories>
|         <pluginRepositories>
|             <pluginRepository>
|                 <id>repo2</id>
|                 <name>repo2</name>
|                 <url>file:/mypath/ibiblio/maven2</url>
|             </pluginRepository>
|         </pluginRepositories>
|         <id>MyProfile</id>
|     </profile>
|     <activeProfiles>
|         <activeProfile>MyProfile</activeProfile>
|     </activeProfiles>
| (and trying with or without -PMyProfile in the command line)
| * <offline>true</offline> in my settings.xml
| * -DremoteRepositories=file:/mypath/ibiblio/maven2 on the command line
| In fact, I think I will be obliged to use maven 1 again if nobody can
| help me :-(
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