I've only been using Maven 2 for about a week so I'm probably not the best 
person to answer the question, but from my experience:

1) If your project is heavily JDK 1.5 based, Maven 2 is not production 
ready.   It's mostly because several of the plugins have not been updated 
to the more recent versions of the libs that support JDK 1.5.   Those 
include Checkstyle, PMD, etc... Without those types of maintainability 
checks/reports, I cannot promote it's use in a production environment.

2) Likewise, it's nearly impossible to get the compile plugin to have 
proper -Xlint:x,y,z arguments.   I've "hacked" it via:
But if we didn't want the deprecation stuff, I'm not sure how it would 

3) There is a problem with maven and OS X JDK 1.5 in that it cannot 
compile anything unless the compiler is forked.   Forking the compiler 
isn't a big deal, but I don't think it's something we should have had to 

4) Documentation - the online documentation sucks.  The plugin config 
stuff is all out of date.    I thought maven was supposed to make 
releasing that stuff easier and quicker via the site targets, but the 
maven people cannot seem to do it.  (Example: the online docs still don't 
mention the fork stuff in surefire)   Another example:  we have some 
thirdparty things that cannot be uploaded to ibiblio.   There are good 
docs for how to use an internal repository, but not really how to get 
third party things into it.   There has to be something easier than 
hand-writing the pom file and hand running sha1sum on all the files.  
Another example, in the plugin config docs you may see something like:
Parameter: systemProperties  type: Properties
Parameter: pluginArtifacts type: List
I haven't seen any docs on how to enter those types into the pom/xml file.  
It's mostly been trial and error.   Ant has VERY good docs about it's 
basic types.

5) Continuous builds - lack of support in cruisecontrol is a major 
blocker.   Continuum is nowhere close to cruisecontrol yet, but it's 
getting better.  (and continuum's docs are even worse than maven's)

6) Lack of other plugins like Emma for coverage metrics.  (clover is 

Don't get me wrong, Maven 2 definitely has a lot going for it, but there 
are still some very rough edges that create a bit of a learning curve for 
many "advanced" things.   If JDK 1.5 support was better and the docs were 
better, it would be really close to production ready.    There are bugs 
that you'll run into, but so does everything.   


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727  C: 508-380-7194

On Tuesday 20 December 2005 17:38, Brett Porter wrote:
> I think some heavy clarifications need to be put on this.
> If you are moving from Ant, or starting a new project, there is every
> chance Maven 2 is ready for production use for you.
> I feel this is entirely about the plugins. There are a bunch of
> plugins written for Maven 1.x (many outside of the Maven project),
> that some people have come to depend on that limit the ability to
> upgrade. To a lesser extent, there are some Maven project plugins that
> are not yet finished. I think this mostly revolves around the site
> generation, which is being worked on right now.
> I'm not sure what core issues are being referred to - but I don't
> recall seeing anything marked as a blocker for some time (the 6 in
> JIRA are for the ant tasks, the embedder, and design issues for 2.1 -
> none of which are under discussion here).
> Another factor is a large investment in custom Maven 1.x scripts
> within some organisations. That's not something Maven 2 can do a lot
> about, and is a trade off for the person upgrading.
> Hope this helps in clarifying it. It's important that anyone who says
> it is not yet ready for production states a reason so we can focus on
> improving that experience.
> Cheers,
> Brett
> On 12/21/05, David Jackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I didn't attend JavaPolis (sounds like I missed out), but I have been
> > working for a few weeks to move our Maven 1 projects to Maven 2.  At
> > this point I would agree that Maven 2 is not quite ready for prime
> > time. It's getting closer, though.  I've found problems (both in the
> > core and in plugins) and tried to create patches when I file the jira
> > issues, so hopefully Maven 2 will do what we need it to before too
> > much longer.  I doubt it will really be ready before 2.1, though I'm
> > not sure what the timeframe of that release is (hopefully it's enough
> > time for me to finish my migration and file fixes for the problems I
> > encountered along the way).
> >
> > ..David..
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rik Bosman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:15 AM
> > To: Maven Users List
> > Subject: [m2] production ready? any experience?
> >
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > Some colleages of mine visited javapolis. Vincent Massol told there
> > that "maven2 is not production ready" (if I rephrase it correctly).
> >
> > - When will it be production ready? 2.02? 2.1?
> > - Are there any stories from developers using maven2 in production?
> >
> > I'm a maven2 fan, and I hope to adopt it for our company soon.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rik Bosman
> >
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J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727  C: 508-380-7194

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