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On 4/24/06, Clifton Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am converting from Ant/Ivy to Maven2 and I have a question regarding
> dependencies in Maven2. In Ivy I could define dependencies which would be
> conditionally considered based on my build configuration. for example, I
> could define in a project Foo, a dependency on Bar for all configurations and
> a dependecy on Box for the test configuration of project Foo. Then, another
> project, say Fuzz, could depend on Foo and use either its default
> configuration (which would transitivly bring in Bar but not Box)  or use its
> test configuration (which would transitivly bring in Bar AND Box). How is
> this done in Maven? I read up on profiles and I'm wondering if that's the
> answer, or if there's a more straight foward way of doing the same. Could
> somebody provide an example of a Maven equivalent? Thanx in advance.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer
> Intelligent Computer Systems - A Division of GBG
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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