I have a build very much like yours. My config for the jar plugin is
virtually the same. My assembly xml file is similar.

I do NOT get any extra jar files in the executable jar. They are only in the
assembled jar under /lib.

Here are some differences. I don't see any that should matter.

I don't have a <packaging> tag.
I have the classpath prefix as "./lib" instead of "lib"
I'm using java 1.4.
I have a parent pom that may be supplying something.

For someone that knows more about maven than I -- what would one add to a
pom for a jar that would cause the dependencies to be added to the jar

The situation is that the assembly jar contains the executable jar and the
dependencies under the lib folder. The executable jar also contains the
dependency jars along with the application class files itself. Is that
right? Are the dependency jars inside some folder in the executable jar?

On 6/2/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/2/06, Midtskogen, Erik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Wayne,
> Where would I put such documentation?  I don't really see any place on
> the maven site to put documentation of "tips and techniques".  If I were
> to create a assembly:stand-alone-app goal, then at least I'd have
> somewhere to hang the documentation.

The Wiki would be a great place to start:


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