
I have sent you the project in a private mail too. Have you received that?

However, I misunderstood you until now. I thought your only problem was the dependencies in the executable jar and not the duplicate executable jar in the created assembly. I get this as well. I will send you another test project per private mail. Can you run that and tell if it produces everything as expected.


Midtskogen, Erik schrieb:
Hi Tim,

I'm sorry, but I didn't receive the attachment.  It only came through as
what looked like the end of a text message.  I suspect that some
firewall must have intervened and deleted the bulk of the attachment.

Also, I was wrong about getting exactly what I wanted in the root
directory from the existing assembly configuration.  That zip file that
I got that I said was perfect was just a copy of my hand-edited file
left-over from earlier.

Yes, the ./target/ file does work, and
I could use it just the way it is.  But it is much larger than it needs
to be.  If you unzip it and then examine the contents, you'll find that
it contains two duplicate copies of pairfinder-0.9.jar.  One is located
at pairfinder-0.9/pairfinder-0.9.jar, and the other is located at

Not only that, but each of those duplicate copies of pairfinder-0.9.jar
contain all the dependency jar libraries rolled up inside themselves
where they do nothing other than take up space.  The net result is that
the zip file generated by the assembly:assembly mvn command is 14.1MB in
size, while the result after I have edited out all the unwanted copy of
pairfinder-0.9.jar and the unwanted dependency jars from the other copy
of pairfinder-0.9.jar and then zip everything back up, the resulting zip
file is 3.4MB.  And the larger this project gets, the larger that
distributable will get--multiplied by three.

That's why I'm still looking into writing a goal.  Even if it turns out
to be possible to get what I want, it should be easier than spending
days messing with it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Kettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 2:08 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Stand-alone app

Midtskogen, Erik schrieb:
Hi Tim,

Ohhh! I think I see what's happening. I was expecting the final result zip file to appear under the ./target directory instead of right in the root directory. After running assembly:assembly there is

a zip file under the ./target directory with a somewhat longer name "", and this zip file is quite large

because it has the redundant copies of the jar files. I thought this was the final artifact of the assembly:assembly goal. I didn't notice

the file sitting right in the root, and this file is the correct file to distribute the app. It's exactly what I wanted.

This isn't the result I am getting.

There are two files generated in the target directory:
pairfinder-0.9.jar and There is no third file generated in the root directory of the project.

The jar just contains the compiled classes and the manifest with the
Class-Path entry. And the zip contains the build artifact and its dependencies... Exactly as

I have attached the test project I created. Can you try to run 'mvn
assembly:assambly' on that and see what it produces for you.

Well, thank you so much!

Even though this jar:jar/assembly:assembly combination does work, I'm still looking into writing an explicit goal for accomplishing this task. The fact that lots of people are probably going to want to do this, but yet it took me (a beginning user, in case you couldn't tell)

several days of fumbling to get it right is an indication that there may be a need for it. I agree that It's not difficult to use the jar and assembly to create a stand-alone build once you understand how to do it. But I think it could be even easier with a goal. Even if nobody else has any need for it, at least I'm learning a lot about how

Maven works by doing it. And maybe other people would like it, too. Especially Maven beginners like me :-)

Do you think I should look into writing it as a goal/mojo under the assembly plugin, in the hopes that maybe I could submit it to the Maven Project, or should I write it into my own plugin that I write from scratch?

As Wayne said, writing a small guide to help other new users seems more

Thanks so much!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Kettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:52 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Stand-alone app

Just to be sure I understand you correctly: Your problem is that the dependendcies of your project are included in in the created jar artifact ('pairfinder-0.9.jar')?

I ask this because I can't reproduce your problem with the pom/descriptor you posted. I just replaced your internal dependency with a dependency to commons-beanutils. When I now
run 'mvn assembly:assembly' the artifact is created with the right
classpath entries in the manifest and the zip file has the dependencies in the lib

Have you tried to run a 'mvn clean' before creating the assembly?


Midtskogen, Erik schrieb:
Hi Tim,

Hi Tim.  Yes, I'm using the assembly plugin to copy the dependencies
into a subdirectory called "./lib", and I'm using the jar plugin to build the executable jar, and actually everything works basically OK.

My only problem is that the jar plugin is adding the dependency jar files into the executable artifact jar. These are unnecessary and only increase the size of executable jar file. There is no way I've found to put a jarred jar library onto the classpath without writing extra code in your executable to support this. The jar libraries
to reside outside the executable jar in the normal filesystem to be
easily accessible.

For now, I'm just removing the unneeded dependency jars from the
executable jar manually, but I'm curious how one might go about configuring jar:jar so that it properly configures the without also rolling the dependency jars into its artifact.

Here is my POM:

<project xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:schemaLocation="";>
        <name>Maven Quick Start Archetype</name>





The assembly configuration descriptor is this:


Note: this project has a number of transitive dependencies that come
through the dependency for "skroople".

So far, it's still feeling to me like there should be a goal in the
assembly plugin that handles building a standalone app and optionally

zips it up into a zip file or tarball, depending on the platform.  It

could even have sensible defaults such that if you're happy enough with a stand-alone app set up the way I'm doing it here, (with the
library dependencies copied into ./lib) all you would have to do is
tell it what your main class is, and then type "mvn assembly:stand-alone-app", and you're done.

Yes, I can see that it is possible to accomplish this if you configure
the jar:jar and the assembly:assembly goals just so, and also roll
your own assembly configuration descriptor.  But that seems like more

work than should be necessary for such basic functionality.  Maven is

supposed to make the most common tasks easy to do.

I have looked into the OneJar project. I can't remember exactly why I
didn't get into it, but I seem to remember that it was a bit
intrusive. You had to write some special code to support it or something like that. Having all the dependencies inside the same jar is the main point of OneJar, but that objective isn't all that important to me. I'm happy enough just to have the dependencies sitting outside the main executable.

So, I will start reading about how to write Maven goals and see if I
can come up with something easy to use.  If I'm successful, then
the Maven folks would accept my goal and include it in the assembly
plugin. One can dream...

Vielen Dank!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Kettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 1:11 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Stand-alone app


I think my suggestion regarding the use of the dependency-maven-plugin
could have been a little bit confusing/misleading. Did you configure
it to copy the dependencies somewhere
under your target/classes folder? I wanted to mention the OneJar
( for this usecase but somewhow

If you use the assembly-plugin to build your distribution you probably
won't need the dependency-plugin at all. Do you use it? If not: Can
you post your pom so that we can have
a look at it to figure out what is going wrong?


Midtskogen, Erik schrieb:
Hi Tim and Jean-Laurant,

Thanks so much for your suggestions. I'm very close now, but I'm still confused about a couple of things.

After following your suggestions, the jar:jar now adds the correct settings and pulls the correct dependencies out of the repository. Bravo!! But the problem is that it is jarring up the dependency jars into the executable jar file itself instead of adding
them to a subdirectory in the file system.  When I run the
assembly:assembly goal, it does add the jar files to the zip file in

the correct location, so my app does work when you unzip it and run it. No complaints there. But I'd rather not duplicate the jar entries into the executable jar file, because it almost doubles the size of my distributable.

Why would one want dependency jar files jarred into the executable
anyway?  I'm confused.  It doesn't seem that Java is able to place
such a jarred dependency onto the classpath without special coding
the app itself to do this. You're supposed to run your executable in
one jar file, and keep your library dependencies as separate jar
files, no? Am I wrong about this? Is there any way of suppressing the addition of the dependencies from being added to the executable jar during the package lifecycle (jar:jar), while still adding the dependency classpath entries into the



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