The version you're using doesn't "easily" support what you want to accomplish. You might want to try the 2.1 version or maybe the snapshot version 2.2-SNAPSHOT.

I have a staging site deployed for 2.2-SNAPSHOT which has an example of you're trying to do at

If you're going to use the SNAPSHOT version, you also might want to take a look into

Hope that helps


Tim Patton wrote:
I'm trying to package all of the compiled code of several modules into 1 jar 
but I can't seem to figure out the assembly plugin.  I tried including this in 
my parent pom:


And executing this command line that I found on the maven site somewhere:

mvn assembly:assembly -DprojectModulesOnly=true -DdescriptorId=bin

However it tells me I need a descriptorId, which I specified. Plus "bin" isn't really what I want, I just want a jar file of my code only, not any config files or dependent jars.
As a side note, is there any task to run to update all maven plugins?  When 
working with this and my failed attempt at aggregating javadocs for my project 
(looks like I am sticking with ant for that part) I had to specify a version so 
maven could download the latest plugin.  I guess somehow it was using a 1.0 
plugin even though I thought the latest plugins would be in the distribution I  

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