hello remy,
i'll try to answer ur questions, but i feel i m not the best guy to explain
that classpath behaviour

On 9/18/06, Rémy Sanlaville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Marco,

You help me a lot, it works now, many thanks !

But I still have some questions :

(1) I tried also to use the antrun plugin without success.
I used this classpath (that works with ant).

<path id ="xdoclet.classpath">
  <fileset dir="C:/Tools/XDoclet/v1.2.3/lib">
      <include name="*.jar"/>

    name        = "webdoclet"
    classname    = "xdoclet.modules.web.WebDocletTask"
    classpathref= "xdoclet.classpath"

But if I use the maven.dependency.classpath as you, it works well !
Strange no ?!

Well, it would not surprise me if in your fileset

/lib" you are missing some jars...... cos theoretically if  in that lib
dir you have

all jars needed by xdoclet, it should have worked just fine

    name        = "webdoclet"
    classname    = "xdoclet.modules.web.WebDocletTask"
    classpathref= "maven.dependency.classpath"

this i m sure it works becaue in my dependencies there is all that xdoclet
need to run the task.
If in your lib directory you h ave all xdoclet-xxx-module.jar as well as
xjavadoc, i see no reason of why your code above hsould not work
again,, any maven expert here can condraddict and give feedback, i m no
guru...i have just learned things from trying them out (and failing :) )

(2) In order to don't put the xdoclet dependencies in the WEB-INF/lib, I
to use the maven.plugin.classpath (see [1]), but it seems that it does not
exist any more
   > Embedded error: Reference maven.plugin.classpath not found.
It is normal ?

It is not possible also to use the scope provided because the
don't take into account this scope.

mmm, this scopes confuse me too... in your dependencies, try to put
this assumes that at runtime those libraries are alredy present (if i m
correct), and thus maven won't include them in yoru war (it worked for me
while building an .ear..)

(3) Why are you the packaging phase insteed of the generate-sources phase ?

ah! ignore it...i had problems wtih dependencies.... but it might have been
due to the fact that i had incorrect classpath
it should work also with <phase>generate-sources</phase>
but i haven't tried....have no time unfortunately.....  i m not using maven
at work, so i have to use it in my spare time and nowadays i have very
little spare time
you might want to try and see if you have classpath problem....


Thanks again,

[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/classpaths.html

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