I'm using the assembly plugin to generate a "jar with dependencies", so
the MANIFEST.MF is "static" (not generated dinamically); how can I add
the scm.revision to such a jar?

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Serodio

Bernd Bohmann wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> you can get the svn revision with
>           <plugin>
>             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>             <artifactId>maven-scm-plugin</artifactId>
>             <executions>
>               <execution>
>                 <phase>validate</phase>
>                 <id>getting-scm.revision</id>
>                 <goals>
>                   <goal>update</goal>
>                 </goals>
>               </execution>
>             </executions>
>           </plugin>
> this stores the svn revision in the property scm.revision.
> http://maven.apache.org/scm/plugins/update-mojo.html
> You can use this for example in the jar plugin:
>         <plugin>
>           <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>           <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
>           <version>2.1</version>
>           <configuration>
>             <archive>
>               <manifestEntries>
>                  <Revision>${scm.revision}</Revision>
>               </manifestEntries>
>             </archive>
>           </configuration>
>         </plugin>
> Regards
> Bernd
> Alex Hollerith wrote:
>> hi,
>> we are using subversion as scm and are in the middle of moving from
>> ant 1.6
>> to maven2.
>> right now i am stuck with the following issue.
>> i would like to get information about the subversion copy that was
>> used to
>> check-out the "src" directory and the repository revision of the "src"
>> directory into the MANIFEST files. (something like:
>> "branches/1_2;r56725")
>> i tried to find something in the avilable documentation without success.
>> maybe somebody can point me into the right direction?
>> thanks
>> alex

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