Excellent thoughts!  I want to adopt maven2 and in-fact we are debating the
issue at work.  And the cons are the lack of documentation and the fact that
ANT is easier to customize.  And, that's what we all do, customize
everything to support our needs.

I WIKI everything and I wish I had a public WIKI to write in that I felt
comfortable that would stay there for all to see and wouldn't change.  So,
what we need is the maven folks (whomever's in charge) to open a WIKI and
leave it alone.  I think that maven:site is fine for projects outside of
maven and those that someone wants to play webmaster.  But, the Maven site
should be more open and if we get folks that provide wrong documentation,
then boot them or remove their submissions (moderate).

I'm new here, but this is like going to church and the message is always
"this is how we do things here".  It's a community or gathering and if it's
not comfortable to speak up and say I have something to say, then it's not a
public thing.

I agree with you because it's not easy to figure out how to get involved.
Also, a portion or area of the server was out yesterday beause of a bug and
it was very difficult for me to determine if this was a ditched effort or
that someone was keeping the public away from something until a problem was

So when the WIKI opens up for assistance, let me know because I'm ready to
share my notes.  E.g. once I find out how to build plugins and debug them
easily, I'll document everything.  And, do I keep this for myself or does
the community want my notes?

I started a book for a publisher and didn't finish it due to timing, but I
do have a chapter that clearly describes the installation and daemonizing
and windows service installation for JBoss.  Should I keep this since I
didn't get published for sale? Or should I share it?  I want to share it,
but I can't host from my house due to my ISP setup.  If I had a public
hosting, I would drop it there immediately.  I hope folks speak up to your
email because I wholeheartedly agree.  I do think, to speak for the Maven
"boys" that everyone just wants things to be permanent and standard.  And,
that's very difficult to sustain I imagine.

Good email,


On 11/5/06, franz see <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good day to you all, fellow Maven Users,

I agree that right now, maven documentation is scattered. We have the
maven site ([1]), the docus you can build with the source code (checkout
source and do mvn site [2]...and btw, the maven site can be checked out as
well [3]), the mailing list [4], BBWM ([5]), the wiki, and other 3rd party
sources. Furthermore, the maven users community must be able to
in maven's documentation. Maven is an open source project, and just like
other open source project, it's only as good as the community backing it

So how do we get more involvment from the maven users community?

A suggestion make the apache maven site wiki-like, so that users can be
involved in the documentation as well. Maybe we can lobby this with the
maven developers. Currently though, if a non-committer wants to contribute
something to the documentation, the process would be to create a JIRA
create a patch, and submit that patch. However, you won't see the changes
until the patch gets approved. So it would be nice if we can have a
site if we can't make teh maven site wiki-like. These staging site can be
linked to actual page itself for easy access. Furthermore, links to the
mailing list and wiki should be move visible. This will make the maven
the center of all these documentations.

For those docs that are build from the checked-out code, they're already
incorporated in the maven site. For those that are not included in the
site, that means that those built docs are for the current unreleased
versions. The docs found in the maven site are for the released. So if
you're using a snapshot and you want to find the docs for it, try doing
site. if something comes, good for you. if none, oh well. IMO, docs should
only be updated every before release anyway (which is currently happening
wit the apache maven plugins).

As for the mailing list, as of now, if we want something from the mailing
list, we have to search for existing information (which may or may not be
updated or true), or ask it. I'm not sure, but i don't think there's a
thread" option here. Also, there are no subcategories (for the
for easy searching. What we could probably do is to create subcategories
(subforums). As to what these subcategories are, im not sure...any
suggestions? Also, maybe we can provide a wiki section for each category,
that we can store there important information...sort of a maven users
Furthermore, going back to the maven site is now possible thanks to the
skin of the maven forums in nabble.

Maybe this can  be one of the subcategories (subforum)..and of course,
its own wiki section. But since we can't submit patches for BBWM, the
users must maintain this wiki section to be more organized.

IMO, the only problem right now with it, is that it's a bit unorganized.
thoughts on how to reorganize it? The only thing I can think of right now
to provde links on every page (or at least wiki section) to the maven



[1] http://maven.apache.org
[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/site/trunk/
[3] http://www.nabble.com/Maven-f177.html
[4] http://www.mergere.com/m2book_download.jsp
[5] http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/

Gisbert Amm-3 wrote:
> Why not use the central repo for documentation aswell?
> E.g. in
> could exist a bundle named user-manual.zip, containing the sources for
> the user-manual. There could be a reference-manual.zip, a
> developers-manual.zip and so on.
> The Wiki pages could be generated out of these sources. One step of the
> release process of a plugin (or the Maven core) would be to integrate
> possible user comments from the wiki into the documentation sources and
> regenerate the respective wiki pages.
> A Maven plugin could be written to download all document sources of a
> certain category, bring them into a reasonable order (defined by models
> within the plugin), add introductionary material from common bundles,
> table of contents, indexes etc. and produce a users manual, reference
> manual and so on in a format the user can choose (HTML, PDF ...)
> Even the Maven website could be produced by such a plugin; it would just
> be defined by another documentation model.
> Just applying the same principles used for software production to
> documentation ...
> I hope I was able to make myself understood (sorry for my English) and
> am not dreaming too far into the blue ...
> -Gisbert
> Gregory Kick wrote:
>> Ok, this is think outside the box time...  I like Thomas' comments on
>> centralizing documentation.  I really, really like Thomas' comments on
>> centralizing documentation.  However, I think the logistics may be
>> off.  I'm thinking of the documentation problem as similar to the
>> build problem.
>> Before there was maven, users had to go from site to site downloading
>> jars and collecting them into a useful, coherent code base every time
>> they wanted to build because a bunch of different groups contributed a
>> bunch of small, but useful artifacts.  That got fixed.  Unfortunately,
>> we're now finding that users are going from site to site browsing
>> documentation and collecting it into a useful, coherent knowledge base
>> every time they want to understand something because a bunch of
>> different groups contributed a bunch of small, but useful bits of
>> documentation.
>> So, here's what I propose:  Lets create a repository for
>> documentation.  The docs will exist within the projects, as they do
>> now, and we'll use an APT/Wiki hybrid that allows for linking between
>> projects (e.g. [[groupId:artifactID]]) and documents (e.g. guides,
>> javadocs, etc.) within those projects.  That way, there's quality
>> control because the docs have to be committed, we avoid the
>> unrealistic
>> plan, and we get the centralized feel with out having to duplicate the
>> little bits of usefulness that already exist.
>> Obviously, there will be a lot of gaps, broken links, etc. in the
>> early stages, but I don't think that it would be any worse than with a
>> typical wiki.  There may be a slower turnaround in updates, but that
>> might be balanced out by the fact that current documentation could be
>> reused.  Later, if we want something more interactive there could be a
>> tool for generating and submitting documentation patches via this
>> online repository.
>> So that's my little bit of brainstorming.  There are obvious issues
>> like hosting, but for now I dare to dream... :-)  Thoughts?
>> On 11/2/06, Thomas Van de Velde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The problem, as I see it, is that the documentation is fragmented.
>>> Unlike
>>> Hibernate and Spring, which provide a single reference manual which is
>>> kept
>>> up to date with every release, Maven documentation is spread all over
>>> the
>>> place (wiki, generated sites, better builds with Maven, etc.).  The
>>> problem
>>> gets worse with the isolated documentation for plugins.  Plugins may
>>> make
>>> sense from a technical point of view, but an end-user can care less
>>> about
>>> plugin seperation from the core.  They want to see consistent
>>> documentation
>>> for all features, whether those are provided by the core or by
>>> plugins.  By
>>> forcing ALL documentation to be centralized (e.g. in a reference
>>> manual),
>>> you naturally get better consistency and logical flow between the
>>> different
>>> pieces (Instead of a bunch of isolated how-to's and plugin pages).
>>> What a
>>> mess Spring's documentation would be if they'd start generating
>>> seperate web
>>> sites for each framework they integrate with!
>>> Users have been complaining for years about Maven documentation and I
>>> agree
>>> with those who say that this is a break on wider Maven adoption.  As
>>> experienced user, I have no trouble finding what I am looking for but
>>> I can
>>> tell you from my experience dealing with many new users, that the
>>> newbies have big trouble finding their way through the documentation
>>> jungle.  More than once have I seen projects giving up just because
>>> didn't find an easy way to get started.  This is highly regrettable as
>>> they
>>> are missing out on a great tool!
>>> So my recommendation would be:
>>> 1) Centralize documentation (prefereably on a wiki so that users can
>>> comment
>>> on questions).  Why not take the Merger book as a starting point?
>>> 2) Update documentation with every release.
>>> An undocumented feature is an unexisting feature.
>>> Thomas
>>> On 11/2/06, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Wendy Smoak on 02/11/06 22:34, wrote:
>>> > > On 11/2/06, Sebastien Brunot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > >> What I meant by "it" was the comment mechanism.
>>> > >
>>> > > Right... it doesn't exist yet, we need to design it.
>>> >
>>> > The comment mechanism can be a wiki where the public can only add at
>>> the
>>> > bottom
>>> > of the page, and the contributors are the ones who sort out the
>>> wheat from
>>> > the
>>> > chaff occasionally to enhance each page from its comments.
>>> >
>>> > > Earlier, I asked, "Any ideas on how to present that as an option?
>>> >
>>> > It's done at mysql[1], php and someone said Hibernate and I think
>>> Drupal.
>>> > But my
>>> > quick investigation there didn't show anything. Check out mysql
>>> though.
>>> > Perhaps
>>> > their documentation publishing framework is OS.
>>> >
>>> > > What would the menu link be called?  How should the pages on the
>>> wiki
>>> > > be organized?"
>>> >
>>> > I think the whole maven documentation website should be
>>> wiki-commentated
>>> > (is
>>> > that the correct verb here??)
>>> >
>>> > So each plugin remains as it is except the wiki-commentary can be
>>> appended
>>> > to
>>> > the bottom of every page.
>>> >
>>> > I think that any plugin that makes it onto repo.maven.org should get
>>> its
>>> > docs
>>> > site on the website too, at least for the releases.
>>> >
>>> > regards
>>> > Adam
>>> >
>>> > [1] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/linux-rpm.html
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
> --
> Gisbert Amm
> Softwareentwickler Infrastruktur
> Brauerstraße 48 · D-76135 Karlsruhe
> Tel. +49-721-91374-4224 · Fax +49-721-91374-2740
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] · http://www.web.de/
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