On 3/8/07, Daniel Beland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to migrate our projects to maven 2.0.5 (have been using maven 1
for 2 years now).

I would like to know how I can invoke maven to package the artifact only
when the version does not contain SNAPSHOT, and install it if it contains
In maven 1 I was using a goal like this:

    <goal name="jar:cruisecontrol">
        <j:if test="${not(pom.currentVersion.endsWith('SNAPSHOT'))}">
            <ant:echo message="Create jar only"/>
            <attainGoal name="jar"/>

        <j:if test="${pom.currentVersion.endsWith('SNAPSHOT')}">
            <ant:echo message="Install SNAPSHOT jar"/>
            <attainGoal name="jar:install"/>

This is because I do not want cruise control to install an artifact if it is
not a SNAPSHOT. (Released version should always be downloaded from our
central repository).

install will only happen under the local repository of the user
running your cruisecontrol instance. Why is that affecting you ?

It happened too many times that developers forget to change the version to
SNAPSHOT after a release, and we overwrite the local artifact and break the
build of other modules.

If that's the root of your problem, use the release plugin and it
should disappear.


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