Just wondering, did the trace show anything?



Ok, just did those things.  URL for output is

There was no particular reason - I guess I got into the habit of it and
didn't go back!  This output was running "mvn site -X"



----- Message from "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sun, 22 Apr 2007
18:03:52 -0700 -----

         To: "Maven Users List" <users@maven.apache.org>


    Subject: Re: Getting index.html of site generated automatically


On 4/22/07, Ian Rowlands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any other suggestions?

Declare a version number for the site plugin:

Then paste the output of 'mvn site -X'  (use http://rafb.net/paste as
it will be too long to include)  and let's see if there's anything
interesting in that.

Is there any reason you're using site:site (single goal) rather than
just 'site' (lifecycle phase)?


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