
I have a similar problem...
Added a dependency to my PDE project run mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse and only the .project file is generated (without those linkedResources!). The .classpath file is not generated at all!!!

Moreover, running mvn install on the project fails because the dependency is not in the classpath :-(


Graham Leggett wrote:
Hi all,

I have been having an interesting time trying to get some eclipse plugin
code built with maven, and I would like to check whether a number of
assumptions made by maven-eclipse-plugin are still valid against modern
copies of Eclipse.

When maven-eclipse-plugin creates the .project file, entries such as the
following are created to refer to jar dependencies:


When an attempt is made to build code using the eclipse IDE, the classpath
is picked up correctly, and code that depends on these linked dependencies
builds and runs correctly.

However: As soon as an attempt is made to export the plugin using the
Eclipse export plugin wizard, these linked dependencies are ignored.

The linked dependencies do not show up in the final plugin build, the log
of the plugin export process is full of java compile errors about missing
packages caused by these missing jars.

So, the question is: Does the "link" method as shown above still work in
Eclipse v3.2.x, and is maven-eclipse-plugin producing a bogus .project


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