Heinrich Nirschl on 15/06/07 18:35, wrote:
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 23:07 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:
I thought I'd post a more generic description since it seems no-one else recognises the problem.

Can't find any references to it in the JIRA or on the mailing list or in fact just generally by googling (there is some stuff but it was for mvn 1.1 and fixed).

Using the src/main/javadoc directory for package.html files just doesn't work.

Does anyone successfully process their package.html and images etc from src/main/javadoc? I'd be interested to hear.


Yes, this works here (Java 5, Maven 2.0.6, javadoc plugin 2.2). At least
the package.html bit, I did not try images. There is an issue with
aggregated documentation
( http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAVADOC-118 ) but this should not
apply to your case.


how are you specifying the maven-javadoc-plugin config?

Do you have the src/main/javadoc directory declared in <sourcepath/> or in <javadocDirectory/> or not declared at all?

I realised that javadoc would have no problem processing the package.html files if I declared the src/main/javadoc in the <sourcepath/> but that is just a work-around, since it would make <javadocDirectory/> redundant - or am I missing something?

Thanks for the pointer to the bug. I tried using the src/main/javadoc dir structure in a multi-module project and the directory wasn't processed, unfortunately. You say you are using plugin 2.2 but the fix for the bug is in 2.3 - so you must be using src/main/javadoc only in the parent project?


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