I am certain that I have misinterpreted the meaning of this piece of

Guide to Creating Archetypes
 - (http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-creating-archetypes.html)
   | - 2. Create the archetype descriptor

        An optional <allowPartial>true</allowPartial>  tag makes it possible to 
run the
        archetype:create  even on existing projects.

I thought that this meant that I could create several of my own
archetypes and than generate a single project; running the
archtype:create command over the generated project several times until
the accumulated properties of each archetype were all added to that
single project.

****Begin Example****

If I have the following Archetypes installed in M2_REPO:
- Java6Archetype
- JUnit4Archetype

And I create a project called TestLayered Project using the
Java6Archetype above and the archetype:create command.

I should then be able to run the JUnit4Archetype with the
archetype:create command over top of the existing TestLayered Project
resulting in a blending of the two archetypes within the TestLayered

****End Example****

This is what I believed the documentation meant by:

         "An optional <allowPartial>true</allowPartial>  tag makes it
possible to run the
         archetype:create  even on existing projects."

I now realize that this is wrong.  Is there anyway to implement this
sort of "mixing" and "matching" or "layering" of Archtypes in a single

Also, what did the documentation mean by the statement above?  I read
elsewhere that it has something to do with modular builds.

Thank you,
        Andrew J. Leer

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