Paul Austin wrote:
> Does anyone have the syntax for including the assembly in another project.
> Not sure if you need the build-helper plugin as the assemblies are
> already being installed.
> Paul
> Insitu wrote:
>> Paul Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Say I have two projects A and B.
>>> Project A has a custom bin.xml assembly generating
>>> Project B is an enhancement to A with some extra jar files and also has
>>> a custom bin.xml assembly which takes the whole of the unpacked
>>> file and adds in the extra jar files into
>>> What would I need to include in the assembly for B to include all the
>>> contents of
>> Maybe you could use a combination of:
>>  - build-helper to attach A's assembly as aan artifact thus
>>    installing/deploying it
>>  - dependencySet within B's assembly with <unpack>true</unpack> (not
>>    sure of the syntax)
>> HTH

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