 I have to install some maven repositories for our internal artifacts.

I have already try 3 types of repo : file://, archiva and artifactory

I also have heard about proximity, but the live demo  is down since ..
pfui... 2 months... not sure I want to use that..

Archiva :
       store artifact on file
    cons :
       SLOW, very slow
       unstable, or I dont know how to use it... I have installed the
last version (apache-archiva-1.0-beta-2-bin.tar.gz) and the upgrade from
1.0 beta1 was hard : various bug, I have lost artifacts...
          (how do you do to restart a fresh install of archiva? clear

Artifactory :
        slow too, ajax web interface is not very fast.
        use an internal db to store artifacts...
     pro :
       may be quicker than archiva

file// (I mean deploy to file:// urls)
       store artifacts on hdd
    cons :
       no web interface to show depenencies, license, various infos...

So here is my question : what do you use? any of those 4 "repos
manager", another?

Here is my needs :
    use it as a maven repository
    deploy artifacts (file or dav...) : snapshots and releases
    clean olds snapshots


Julien Graglia

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