Just on this particular one:

On 25/09/2007, Julien Graglia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Archiva :
>     pro
>        store artifact on file
>     cons :
>        SLOW, very slow

We've heard this from a couple of people, but no concrete details
about what is slow. I run it 24x7 and don't experience it. Are you
able to provide more details on the Archiva lists?

>        unstable, or I dont know how to use it... I have installed the
> last version (apache-archiva-1.0-beta-2-bin.tar.gz) and the upgrade from
> 1.0 beta1 was hard : various bug, I have lost artifacts...
>           (how do you do to restart a fresh install of archiva? clear
> archiva/database?

Again, more details on this would be helpful in having them resolved
before the final. Upgrading between the betas should not have been
problematic (especially not losing artifacts - are they stil on the
filesystem but missing from the web interface?). You can at any time
delete Archiva's main database and lucene indexes and they'll be
recreated, though this is generally not needed for an upgrade.


Brett Porter
Blog: http://www.devzuz.org/blogs/bporter/

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