Brett Porter a écrit :
> Just on this particular one:
> On 25/09/2007, Julien Graglia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Archiva :
>>     pro
>>        store artifact on file
>>     cons :
>>        SLOW, very slow
> We've heard this from a couple of people, but no concrete details
> about what is slow. I run it 24x7 and don't experience it. Are you
> able to provide more details on the Archiva lists?
The web interface is slow : repo configuration, user rights... I agree
that this is not an essential aspect but it is what I see first..
For the deployement (webdav) and maven repository aspect, I cannot says
that it is slow : when I run mvn deploy, all the process is slow
(compile, test....) so I dont care if webdav transfer take 800 ms more
than XX solution..

>>        unstable, or I dont know how to use it... I have installed the
>> last version (apache-archiva-1.0-beta-2-bin.tar.gz) and the upgrade from
>> 1.0 beta1 was hard : various bug, I have lost artifacts...
>>           (how do you do to restart a fresh install of archiva? clear
>> archiva/database?
> Again, more details on this would be helpful in having them resolved
> before the final. Upgrading between the betas should not have been
> problematic (especially not losing artifacts - are they stil on the
> filesystem but missing from the web interface?). You can at any time
> delete Archiva's main database and lucene indexes and they'll be
> recreated, though this is generally not needed for an upgrade.
I was using apache-archiva-1.0-beta-1, in /usr/local/apache-archiva
My 3 managed repos are elsewhere /opt/nc/mavenrepositories/repositories/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local# l /opt/nc/mavenrepositories/repositories/
total 20K
drwxr-xr-x 5 nc nc 4,0K 2007-09-24 14:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 nc nc 4,0K 2007-09-20 16:46 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 nc nc 4,0K 2007-09-24 14:04 external   <- proxy
drwxr-xr-x 4 nc nc 4,0K 2007-09-24 14:33 internal    <- our corporate
drwxr-xr-x 4 nc nc 4,0K 2007-09-24 14:30 snapshots  <-our snapshots
my managed repo "external" is used as a proxy for 2 remote repo
:"Central Repository" and  " Repository for Maven 2"
I unzip apache-archiva-1.0-beta-2
I copy conf/archiva.xml from beta1 to beta2
I edit conf/plexus.xml in beta2 and modify jetty.port
I did not touch to my repos on hdd
i start archiva beta2
in the repo view of the web apps, I found 6 (!) managed repos : mine 3
plus one copy for each, but without cron properties.
I also found 4 remote repositories, 2 "Central Repository", 2 "
Repository for Maven 2"
Then i start to delete doublons, and i lost my artifacts in

May be I have to do a clean install, and reconfigure archiva by hand...

Julien Graglia

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