What about not answering any questions on the mailinglist anymore, but only
point to existing documentation. If there is no suitable docs for the
question, put in a JIRA issue. That should improve the docs fast!



2007/9/27, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 9/26/07, Tomasz Pik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Example - please, try to find out how to skip executing of tests
> > during build starting from http://maven.apache.org
> OK, I'll bite...
> starting at http://maven.apache.org
> on the left, click on Wiki
> scroll down to Children, click on FAQs, see its not there
> click on "previously answered questions" (or click back and click on
> FAQs-1)
> oh look, there it is -- Testing "How do I skip unit tests when
> building a project?"
> Admittedly, I'm not sure why we have 2 FAQ pages in the Wiki, plus
> another FAQ on the main Maven site. But I also don't think this is all
> that horrible. Obviously you can't expect to find every answer this
> "easily" but common questions should be. So the next step seems (to me
> at least) to be determining "what are those common questions", as I
> mentioned in Brian's thread on improving site docs. This is something
> that users like yourself must participate in if we hope to have any
> chance of success in this effort.
> (Also if you Google for "maven skip unit test" there's a number of
> hits right away. I personally feel that answers found via Google are
> no less valid than others, especially if you add the
> "site:maven.apache.org" directive. To say nothing of all the hits in
> the mail list archive if you search for this.)
> Wayne
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