Lee Meador wrote:
That sounds as easy as herding cats. Trying to get all the people on the
user list to NOT do anything is unlikely.

The fact is, as I see it, its easier to just give a quick answers to
questions that strike my fancy than it is to hunt it down in the docs and
point them to it. That allows me to limit the time I have available to
"invest" in Maven.

If I give the the URL directly, they don't know how to find it in the

What could be easier to find than a URL? Just add a bookmark/favorite.

If I want to tell them which links to click to get there, its a pain for me.
Its also likely to change in the future (as it has in the past when the docs
were rearranged).
FInally, typing in a list of things to click is error prone and easy to get

Maybe someone (or ones) would volunteer to collect the questions from the
newsgroup and transfer them to the site if someone else would reply to the
interesting questions with some magic words that could be searched on. So,
for example, I see what seems to me to be a FAQ with a useful answer in some
thread on this list. I reply with the magic word "FAQCANDIDATE" in the
reply. I picked one "word" because Google searches for two words differently
than one word. Then the collectors could search for that word and come up
with a short list of user list threads to mine for good FAQ entries.

This is exactly what the user wiki can be used for. If people on this list would go the extra bit and add these FAQ candidates (plus answers of course) to the user FAQ we'd have won a lot.

The only way I see that I would fail, besides nobody doing it, is if idiots
invade the list and overuse the magic word.

-- Lee Meador

On 9/27/07, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What about not answering any questions on the mailinglist anymore, but
point to existing documentation. If there is no suitable docs for the
question, put in a JIRA issue. That should improve the docs fast!



2007/9/27, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 9/26/07, Tomasz Pik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Example - please, try to find out how to skip executing of tests
during build starting from http://maven.apache.org
OK, I'll bite...
starting at http://maven.apache.org
on the left, click on Wiki
scroll down to Children, click on FAQs, see its not there
click on "previously answered questions" (or click back and click on
oh look, there it is -- Testing "How do I skip unit tests when
building a project?"

Admittedly, I'm not sure why we have 2 FAQ pages in the Wiki, plus
another FAQ on the main Maven site. But I also don't think this is all
that horrible. Obviously you can't expect to find every answer this
"easily" but common questions should be. So the next step seems (to me
at least) to be determining "what are those common questions", as I
mentioned in Brian's thread on improving site docs. This is something
that users like yourself must participate in if we hope to have any
chance of success in this effort.

(Also if you Google for "maven skip unit test" there's a number of
hits right away. I personally feel that answers found via Google are
no less valid than others, especially if you add the
"site:maven.apache.org" directive. To say nothing of all the hits in
the mail list archive if you search for this.)


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