How about you pay me and i'll do it... I don't get people who bitch and 
complain about stuff that really works if you can be arsed to actually try to 
figure it out. People have done all this work mostly for free... the least 
you could do is write a little bit of documentation where you have something 
of your own to share!

On Thursday 27 September 2007 01:36, EJ Ciramella wrote:
> I have to agree with the comments in this thread.
> Asking someone to contribute documentation for a plugin they didn't
> write is pretty lame.  How about not letting someone submit a plugin
> until not only has the code been tested/proven, but the associated
> documentation is up to snuff?  I don't know how it works where ever you
> guys are working but when code is committed to our SCM system here, a
> code review has to pass.  Part of that review is to go over the
> associated documentation.

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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