Here are some random thoughts.

What would happen if "mvn help" printed out

     mvn faq <plugin> - faq for the plugin
     mvn myfaq - your personal faq (creates a personal site/maven-faq.xml )
     mvn faqreport - reports something that you think should be an faq
mvn faqreport would generate a xml formated file with the person's faq (with
answer if they have it) so that common faq could be managed and

Random question ......

***How come mvn has all these facilities for uploading/downloading files
.... and it is not being applied to spread documentation? **

** how come mvn doesn't have any mvn specific way to contribute patches to
either documentation, maven core or a plugin? Shouldn't I be able to run
"mvn sendpatch" in a plugin's directory and have it do a diff with svn and
send the patch to jira ?

On 9/27/07, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > How can you help people who ask this question (and others
> > > like it)? I agree that _more_ documentation is not
> > > necessarily the magic bullet that many believe it is.
> >
> > The argument that "some people don't read documentation so there is no
> > point in writing any more" is a non-sequitor. Please don't fall into
> > that trap.
> I simply want to make sure that we remember all the various
> "documentation problems" while discussing this topic...
> One possible way to fix the problem I've mentioned ("annotations are
> not supported in -source 1.3") would be to add code in compiler plugin
> that watches for that specific problem, and instead of simply printing
> that generic error message, it prints a "better" error message that
> tells the person how to configure things to make it go away, or
> provides a link to the Wiki with a complete discussion and the
> configuration.
> I don't think that is a reasonable way to fix all the problems people
> run into, but for the most common cases, it might make some sense.
> What other common cases might be handled with this approach?
> Wayne
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