2007/9/27, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The idea that "it's free, what do you expect? quality?" undermines
> confidence in both maven and open source in general, and this doesn't do
> the maven project any favours at all.

Well in fact I think open source software has a higher level of quality when
compared to proprietary software.
Probably we all have seen proprietary code that is badly documented,
written, engineered, etc.
For example, I remember the story of Interbase DBMS (I can't find the link,
sorry) when it was released as open source: the Firebird team had to fix
25000 compilation warnings!
But think bigger: if you try to get docs from Oracle website, you will find
almost nothing. If you want docs, you have to go to AskTom or some ".edu"
websites :-(


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