firstly, and again: Do NOT just reply to a random message from the
mailing list when you start a new topic. Write a NEW MAIL to the mailing list.
I don't understand. I used the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail adress, but I changed the topic. So 
it should be a new topic, shouldn't it?? I can't image the mail adress would 
"remember" what it was last used to, right???
Ok, I saw too late that the old "subject" line was wrong already.

Anyway, in most mail clients, when you "reply" to a message, a header field "In-Reply-To" is set into the mail with either all (of this thread) or the latest message ids of the message(s) you replied to. Then again, the mail client looks into this header field to determine whether the message should be displayed in the same thread or in a new thread. Thus, you can change the subject but the mail client will still think that it is the same thread because of the "In-Reply-To" header field. In Thunderbird for example, you can click "View", "Sort By", "Threaded" to see what I mean.

Your web.xml needs to be in

Well, as we are moving from Maven 1.1 I was told to first move the project as 
it is - using the (legacy) project structure in this first migration step. 
Therefore, I can't yet use src/main/webapp/WEB-INF. My web.xml
is in src/war/WEB-INF, and when it's copied to the target folder, it will be in 
Ok, one questions: is the war assembled correctly (including web.xml)?

There must be some option to alter the default path, right??
You saw the text in jspc maven plugin doc:


There you can set the path. Anyway, you wrote you didn't want to let the compiler plugin modify the web.xml IIUC? But then the compilation is not in effect, because within the web.xml the /...jsp are mapped to the compiled ones, so I think you will need to let that happen if you want to use the precompiled JSPs.

best regards,

Stefan Seidel
software developer
VUB Printmedia GmbH
Chopinstraße 4
D-04103 Leipzig
tel.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 07
fax.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 92
web.    www.vub.de

HRB Köln 24015
UStID DE 122 649 251
GF Dr. Achim Preuss Neudorf,
Dr. Christian Preuss Neudorf

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