Hi all,

A Maven bundle for the popular Mac OS text editor TextMate <http:// macromates.com/> is now available from the central bundle repository <http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/Maven.tmbundle>.

This bundle allows you to invoke Maven from within TextMate with a few simple keystrokes. It also colorises mvn's output (one example being the highlighting of test failure notices) which is surprisingly handy. It also scopes key pom sections to allow you to navigate your poms with ease.

I also have an APT bundle in the works <http://macromates.com/svn/ Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/Almost%20Plain%20Text%20(APT).tmbundle> that makes writing APT documents significantly easier. If this interests you, please be sure to give it a try and let me know of issues and missing features.



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