I use the antrun-maven-plugin to do things like this. I'm not sure if that's the right way though!

In your specific case you could try

                <!-- bind to the "install" phase of the default lifecycle -->
                <copy todir="${todir}">
                  <fileset dir="${fromdir}" />
                <!-- not sure in which phase you want to execute your sql command 
                <!-- ant task to call subproject... -->

here is some more info on lifecycles/phases:  

On Mar 5, 2008, at 8:02 AM, Martin Monsorno wrote:

Hi *,

there's one point I do not understand with maven: how can I use it to accomplish some tasks that doesn't seem to fit into the standard phases. The question arised when implementing continuous integration. For this I want to

- Copy a artefact to another directory. (more precisely: to deploy the generated war-file to the app server) This is no job for deploying something to a maven repository or generating a site, but just a plain copy task.

- Call a special goal of a subproject. (more precisely: my db subproject uses the hibernate-tools-plugin to execute some sql on the database) The subproject includes a plugin for a specific task, but I want to call this from the major build)

With maven 1.x, I wrote a maven.xml and defined goals for this. But what is the maven 2 way? Must I write a plugin?

Thanks for your thoughts,



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