Ian Hummel wrote:
Fair enough...

I had never heard of the maven-invoker-plugin. How about for the first part of his question? Which plug to use for copying a directory?

As I understood the first question, it was about copying the artifact into a directory, which is what the dependency plugin does.

A whole directory may also be copied with the resources plugin, although if it is really about external files copies to an external location, the ant task is not too wrong there.

For copying external resources for inclusion into the artifact, there is another plugin.

See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/ for a good start, and also http://mojo.codehaus.org/plugins.html.


best regards,

Stefan Seidel
software developer
VUB Printmedia GmbH
Chopinstraße 4
D-04103 Leipzig
tel.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 07
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GF Dr. Achim Preuss Neudorf,
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