I'm using Archiva 1.0.2 and Maven 2.0.9 using JDK 1.6 on Windows XP.


I've installed Maven on my local machine and Maven and Archiva on a
development machine (Not sure if Maven is needed on the dev machine with
Archiva but I think it is).


For some reason I clear out my local repository and do a build, I see
plugins being downloaded from repo1.  I thought that those plugins would
be downloaded to my internal repository.  Then when I clear out the
local repository and do a build again it would only get those from my
internal repository.   However it is still going out to repo1 for


In my project's pom.xml I have the following:





                                    <name>Internal Maven











                                    <name>Internal Maven Plugin














                                    <url>file://\\ buildMachine




                                     <url>file://\\ buildMachine





I basically need to setup Maven/Archiva as an internal repository on a
build machine and have no network traffic go beyond that build machine
ie not going to repo1.  So if something isn't on the internal repo then
a build smith would go and manually install and bless whatever they
need.  Security doesn't like the idea of going out to remote repos and
just bringing stuff down.


So after looking through the archives and reading other posts, I'm
confused on what I'm doing wrong.  I don't fully understand the
<servers> and <mirrors> tags and if they even matter to me at this



Any help would be appreciated even if it is to tell me to read a certain
section of the manual again.



Daniel King 


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