On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Blake Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to either specify something in a build profile in my POM
> (preferred) or something in on the command line (also acceptable) that will
> cause my artifacts to be named
> ${artifact}-${version}-${suffix1}.war
> ${artifact}-${version}-${suffix2}.war
> These wars have to be built one-at-a-time from the command line, I'm limited
> to 1 POM file (I just finished merging 5 of them) and I can't modify the POM
> between builds.
> Is this possible with the deploy phase, or do i have to use the
> deploy:deploy-file goal to accomplish this task?

You can configure the war plugin to add a classifier, with profiles
for the different ones you need, but you will then run into MDEPLOY-45


You could go ahead and add it to the pom, then continue using your
deploy:deploy-file workaround until the next version of the deploy
plugin is released.  Or you might want to try an internal release of
the deploy plugin with the fix applied.

[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-45


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