I have never really been able to figure this out and it's really driving me
up the wall at the moment.  Is there a time that Maven2 will automatically
exclude transitive dependencies?  Here is the scenario:

I have 2 projects, then both include the exact same dependency.  When I
build the first library, it builds perfectly fine.  When I build the second
library, it files during the unit tests with NoClassDefFoundErrors.  If I
look at the dependencies being included, Maven2 isn't including the same
transitive dependencies from that common dependency between the two
projects.  Basically I have to include those transitive dependencies
explicitly, which I don't want to do.  What are the causes where Maven won't
include compile dependencies that a first level dependency is dependant on?
It seems very nondeterministic, so I'm guessing there are some nonobvious
reason behind the scenes for how it calculates this.


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