If you mean something that points to the top-level so you can create relative paths then no. This is something we would like to introduce.

On 13-Jul-08, at 9:25 PM, Erwin Mueller wrote:

I'm a pretty new user of mvn2 and I have a question:
I use the exec-plugin to execute a script that starts the compilation of an
IzPack installer.


The path install/compile_install.sh is in a module of a main project. Like

If I start mvn package in mainproject/subproject it works fine, but if I start
mvn package in mainproject/ it will of course fail.

Hava maven a build in variable like ${module-directory} that I can use like


<executable>${module-directory}/install/compile_install.sh</ executable> <workingDirectory>${module-directory}/install/</ workingDirectory>

Other question is, how can I start different scripts if I work on diferrent systems? Like if I work in Windows it'll start compile_install.bat and on
linux it'll start compile_install.sh.

Thanks for help, Erwin.

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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