That's what we did as well. -K

On Aug 15, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Chad La Joie wrote:

I had a series of projects that had different directory structures than what Maven uses by default. When we mad the conversion we changed our local copy around until it was what we wanted and then just did a commit. Wasn't much to it really.

Rusty Wright wrote:
I have an existing eclipse project, a "dynamic web application", which
I've been working on.  I'm also using subversion (subclipse).  My
problem is that my directory/folder structure is significantly different
than the maven convention, and I would prefer to switch to the maven
convention.  I'm not sure how I should proceed.
For example, could I simply reorganize my directory structure in
subversion to match the maven convention and then import it into a new
eclipse project that's been set up to play nicely with maven?
I guess I'm looking for suggestions on the best way to proceed, for long
term happiness, and not some hack method that I may regret later on.
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Serving Swiss Universities
Chad La Joie, Software Engineer, Net Services
Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zürich, Switzerland
phone +41 44 268 15 75, fax +41 44 268 15 68

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