On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In other words, use the maven-release-plugin to publish formal releases of
> code, and make sure that project A never depends on a snapshot of project B
> if you can possibly avoid it. Use proper version numbers.

Here's what I'm confused at though. Project A builds a jar. It needs
to be used in Project B. Ideally of course Project A should be tested
in Project B locally, but in reality (unfortunately) the dev
environment often becomes a more 'real' test. Typically the developers
of Project A will have access to Project B, so can't they just set up
the dev profile of Project B, to use the latest stable version? This
way they won't have to constantly be changing the profile for Project
B.. or is that a bad practice? Assuming some time goes by while they
do more 'real life' stuff in dev and they like how things are. They
could then change the version of the dependency of Project A to a set
number and then check that updated pom/profile into version control.

Are they any documents out there that explain some of these common
best practices in company environments? The two books I mentioned
'touch' upon it but don't see give a lot of detail. Understanding this
'process' of how things should be done to me seems critical to have
nailed down (even if there are different ways to do it, I'd like to be
aware of the typical scenarios corporations use.)

Thanks to all for the replies so far.


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