What about doing a right click in the Project Explorer, select New -> Other ... -> Maven -> Maven Project ?

Then in the New Maven Project window only check Use default Workspace location, click Next, then you get that glorious list of Archetypes to choose from.

Stevo Slavi? wrote:
Hello David,

Just as Klaus said, use m2eclipse plugin. After installing it, I'd first
manually create a folder in eclipse workspace, named as your root maven
project artifactId, then copy root POM and rest of the project structure
you've created into that new folder. Finally, with m2eclipse plugin you
could just "File-->Import...-->General-->Maven Projects" and select/browse
to newly created folder, leaving m2eclipse do the rest.


On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Klaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have a look at http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org . It's a eclipse plugin that
updates the project settings according to the setting in the pom.xml. No
(re)generate of eclipse-project files, no problem with new source folders..


On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:17 PM, David C. Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm beginning a new, fairly large, project.  Eclipse will be our
development platform, but I've already set up the starting point in
 Simple enough.  Now, my question is, how can I keep them in sync,
 I realize that it's best to re-run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" after adding
dependencies, but what about source folders?  I need to add new source
folders, but Maven doesn't know anything about that, so the next time I
re-generate the .project/.classpath files, it'll revert back to those
folders not being "source" folders.

Any help how to make this behave?

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