So you want to add another folder as container for source files?
(additionally to /src/main/java and /target/generated-sources). Good

>From what google points me to i would recommend you to have a look at . I do not
know, if any of the eclipse plugins does take this into account (possibly
not). But this should not be a big issue as you could do so manually..

Or you use Intellij (did i say that loud??) It seem as they have solved the
problem already..


On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 7:25 AM, David C. Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, that doesn't work. It just resets the source folders to what the Maven
> pom.xml thinks it should be. I had tried that before, but I just
> double-checked before I replied to make certain I wasn't misremembering.
> Thanks for the suggestion, though.
> stug23 wrote:
>> To bring project up to date when adding source directories, try selecting
>> the
>> following menu item from the contextual menu (right-click on your project
>> in
>> the Package Explorer):
>> Maven => Update Project Configuration
>> This will synch up the source folders with the Eclipse classpath.
>> David C. Hicks wrote:
>>> OK, I installed m2eclipse and it seems happy with my project. I was able
>>> to go through the POM editor and update a lot of information that previously
>>> wasn't there. Very cool.
>>> Problem: I still don't see it picking up new source folders. If I add a
>>> source folder in Eclipse, how does that end up in the pom.xml to somehow be
>>> included in a production and/or test build? I see a spot to enter source
>>> folders in the POM editor, but it is unclear how to actually enter them.
>>> Am I missing something?
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Dave
>>> PS - for those who recommended Q4E, I'm looking at it, too, but from what
>>> I can tell it seems that m2eclipse is way ahead in terms of fit and finish.
>>> That's just a first impression, though.
>>> Stevo Slavic' wrote:
>>>> Hello David,
>>>> Just as Klaus said, use m2eclipse plugin. After installing it, I'd first
>>>> manually create a folder in eclipse workspace, named as your root maven
>>>> project artifactId, then copy root POM and rest of the project structure
>>>> you've created into that new folder. Finally, with m2eclipse plugin you
>>>> could just "File-->Import...-->General-->Maven Projects" and
>>>> select/browse
>>>> to newly created folder, leaving m2eclipse do the rest.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Stevo.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Klaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Have a look at . It's a eclipse plugin
>>>>> that
>>>>> updates the project settings according to the setting in the pom.xml.
>>>>> No
>>>>> (re)generate of eclipse-project files, no problem with new source
>>>>> folders..
>>>>> klaus
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:17 PM, David C. Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm beginning a new, fairly large, project.  Eclipse will be our
>>>>>> development platform, but I've already set up the starting point in
>>>>> Maven.
>>>>>>  Simple enough.  Now, my question is, how can I keep them in sync,
>>>>> easily?
>>>>>>  I realize that it's best to re-run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" after adding
>>>>>> dependencies, but what about source folders?  I need to add new source
>>>>>> folders, but Maven doesn't know anything about that, so the next time
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> re-generate the .project/.classpath files, it'll revert back to those
>>>>>> folders not being "source" folders.
>>>>>> Any help how to make this behave?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Dave
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