On Wednesday 17 December 2008 Trevor Harmon wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2008, at 3:33 AM, Martin Höller wrote:
> >>   mvn -Pinstall4j package
> >
> > Why would you have to use a profile for this?
> Because it takes five minutes to run.

Ok. My approach would then be to create one profile which is only executed 
before releasing or when running in the contiuous-integration server. This 
profile would configure the antrun plugin to execute install4j, run 
integration tests, and do some other time-consuming work.

> > If you really want maven to do only _one_ specific thing (which is
> > most of
> > the time not the common way) you can execute a single plugin goal by
> > specifying just this goal, e.g. "mvn deploy:deploy-file" or "mvn
> > antrun:run".
> No, specifying a single goal does not run a single goal, it runs ALL
> of the configurations for that goal.

You say it: it runs all of the _configurations_, but it's still only _one_ 
goal that runs. In this case the 'run' goal of the antrun plugin. The 
antrun plugin is kind of special as it runs ant task within maven, which 
doesn't have the concept of tasks. All other plugins usually do just one 

I think Geoffrey hit the nail on the head: we are not trying to say you 
should't use profiles. It's just that profiles in maven and tasks in ant 
are not the same.

- martin

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