I have. Try doing an update.

If that doesn't work, try simply deleting your check out (after of
course ensuring that everything is committed) and making a brand new

Todd Thiessen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thiago Moreira (timba) [mailto:tmoreira2...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:47 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Problems with release:prepare on the resolution 
> of a dependency with "test" classifier
>   Thank you Barrie! Now it is working fine BUT I'm getting a 
> new error...
> [INFO] [release:prepare]
> [INFO] Resuming release from phase 'scm-tag'
> [INFO] Tagging release with the label floggy-1.2.0...
> [INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive copy --file 
> /tmp/maven-scm-200887962.commit .
> https://floggy.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/floggy/tags/floggy-1.2.0
> [INFO] Working directory: 
> /home/tmoreira2020/projects/floggy/trunk-fr2536956
> [INFO]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> [INFO]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> [INFO] Unable to tag SCM
> Provider message:
> The svn tag command failed.
> Command output:
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: File 
> '/svnroot/floggy/tags/floggy-1.2.0/eclipse-floggy-feature/pom.xml'
> already exists
> [INFO]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [INFO]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> [INFO] Total time: 22 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Wed Jan 28 00:24:11 PST 2009 [INFO] Final 
> Memory: 9M/82M [INFO]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
>   That file don't exist! You can check the project structure 
> here http://floggy.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/floggy/
>   Has anyone else experienced something like this??
>   Cheers
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Barrie Treloar 
> <baerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 4:34 AM, Thiago Moreira (timba) 
> > <tmoreira2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >  Ok, I took a look on the source code of the maven-release-plugin 
> > > and
> > there
> > > is no way to set the preparationGoals from the command line!!!
> > >
> > >  The method mergeCommandLineConfig<
> > 
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/xref/org/apache/m
> > aven/plugins/release/PrepareReleaseMojo.html#181
> > >of
> > > the PrepareReleaseMojo class only merge the releaseVersions and  
> > >developmentVersions properties.
> >
> > We have the same scenario that you have and we are using 
> release fine.
> >
> > You may want to use
> >      <dependency>
> >        <groupId>MYGROUP</groupId>
> >        <artifactId>MYARTIFACT</artifactId>
> >        <version>MYVERSION</version>
> >        <type>test-jar</type>
> >        <scope>test</scope>
> >      </dependency>
> >
> > type = test-jar
> > instead of classifier = test.
> >
> > There are some wierd inconsistencies with this.
> >
> > Straight from our release page in our wiki:
> >  mvn release:prepare
> > -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native
> > -DpreparationGoals=clean,install -Dusername=<CVS_userid>
> >
> > 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >

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