dependency:tree doesn't currently show overlaid war jars.  The war
overlay concept is conceptually outside of the normal dependency
mechanism, hence the possibility of ending up with two versions of the
same dependency.

Anyone aware of an issue about this?  The war plugin should really
fail the build, or at least warn, if the package war contains multiple
versions of the same jar.


2009/5/12 Nayan Hajratwala <>:
> mvn dependency:tree should let you see that there are 2 of the same jars,
> but it won't "alert" you.
> A better solution might be to use a <dependencyManagement> section in the
> parent pom of both modules in which you specify the jar versions. That way
> you won't have the problem of using different versions in different modules.
> ---
> Nayan Hajratwala
> 734.658.6032
> On May 11, 2009, at 3:55 PM, Harper, Brad wrote:
>> Is there a way to detect when the dependencies of two war artifacts are
>> inconsistent with respect to packaged jar versions?
>> E.g. a war depends on artifact abc-1.0.0.jar. An overlay is performed
>> where an inconsistent dependency on abc-1.0.1.jar is also defined.
>> The resulting war will contain both jar files and, so far as I can tell,
>> the subsequent behavior is indeterminate.
>> Brad

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