Hi Olivier, yes, I actually tried that, it does not help, see my previous reply to the list (sent a couple of minutes ago) for an explanation why. The answer is in org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.svnexe.command.SvnCommandLineUtils.addTarget(). I'd change it to take into account the <useCygwinPath> setting, it currently doesn't.

Olivier Lamy wrote:
Did you have a look here : http://maven.apache.org/scm/subversion.html

  <useCygwinPath>true in order to use cygwin path /cygdrive/c</useCygwinPath>
  <cygwinMountPath>the mount path to use default is /cygwin</cygwinMountPath>

Personnaly I use windows svn even if I use cygwin.


2009/6/30 Ovidiu Feodorov <ovi...@novaordis.com>:
I know this is not a new problem, I found several JIRA issues related to it
(SCM-213 <http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-213>, for example), all
reported "Resolved", but yet I am using Maven SCM 1.2 and the 2.0 Beta 9
release plug-in and , and I am still seeing it.

This is what happens in my case:

I am running mvn release:prepare for a multi-module project, (cygwin,
Windows) and the operation fails with:

  [INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
  [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive commit --file
  --targets c:\Users\ovidiu\AppData\Local\Temp\maven-scm-59263-targets"
  [INFO] Working directory:
  [INFO] Unable to commit files
  Provider message:
  The svn command failed.
  Command output:
  '/cygdrive/c/work/playground/maven/release-plugin-experiments/C:' is
  not a working copy
  svn: Can't open file

  No such file or directory

The temporary file maven-scm-xxxxx-targets contains


which confuses svn. C:/work/playground/maven/release-plugin-experiments is
the correct project home, cygwin svn is bothered by the C:/ prefix.
It seems quite obvious that this could be handled by cygwin svn, but I
believe it could also be worked around from the Maven layer, with minimum of
effort, especially that Maven SCM already has Cygwin-related configuration
options. If Maven would generate maven-scm-xxxxx-targets to contain cygwin
paths Windows paths, that would quell svn.

The file list in maven-scm-xxxxx-targets is generated by

SvnCommandLineUtils.addTargets() could take into consideration
Cygwin-related  <svn-settings> (<useCygwinPath> and <cygwinMountPath>) and
build the paths accordingly. <useCygwinPath> and <cygwinMountPath> are
already there, and this was probably the hardest part  (see

If you think this is a sensible solution that'll make the life of the
developers easier, and are willing to apply it, I'll submit the patch.

Or, it is also quite possible that I am totally missing something obvious
here, and I will be happy to be guided to the right path.


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Ovidiu Feodorov
Nova Ordis LLC
ovi...@novaordis.com <mailto:ovi...@novaordis.com>

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