Not sure :-(

Can you explore more about what kindof objects are holded. Or may be
try YourKit profiler.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 7:35 AM, vagrant1984 <> wrote:
> hey, everyone
> I need some help to identify whether MINA has memory leak.
> We are currently using MINA 2.0.0-M6. After running for a day under fairly
> heavy
> load, it runs into OOM,  I use eclipse memory analyzer to profile the hprof
> file,
> Description:
> The thread *java.lang.Thread @ 0x2329c198 NioProcessor-3* keeps local
> variables with total size *692,558,776 (68.60%)* bytes.
> The memory is accumulated in one instance of *"java.lang.Object[]"* loaded
> by *"<system class loader>"*.
> Accumulated Objects by Class
>  LabelNumber Of ObjectsUsed Heap SizeRetained Heap Size
> org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter$EncodedWriteRequest<mat://object/0x455f37d8>
> 1,696,45940,715,016359,855,312
> org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter$MessageWriteRequest<mat://object/0x455f4590>
> 1,696,45927,143,344319,130,104byte[] <mat://object/0x43d37778>8768768
>   - Total: 3 entries
> 3,392,92667,859,128
> 678,986,184
> any idea why those objects are still hanging around? Your insight is highly
> appreciated! tks!
> yang


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