vagrant1984 a écrit :
hey, everyone
I need some help to identify whether MINA has memory leak.
We are currently using MINA 2.0.0-M6.
The current version is 2.0.0-RC1, please switch to this version as many bug fixes has been injected into the code.

After running for a day under fairly
load, it runs into OOM,  I use eclipse memory analyzer to profile the hprof


The thread *java.lang.Thread @ 0x2329c198 NioProcessor-3* keeps local
variables with total size *692,558,776 (68.60%)* bytes.
The memory is accumulated in one instance of *"java.lang.Object[]"* loaded
by *"<system class loader>"*.

Accumulated Objects by Class
 LabelNumber Of ObjectsUsed Heap SizeRetained Heap Size

Sounds like you have some issues in the way you manage the outgoing requests.

Can you tell us more about :
- what kind of sage is yours ?
- which protocol are you using ?
- if you have written your own codec, please give us some more information about it - if you are using an executor, please give us some nformation about its configuration.

Also I suggest you follow Ashsih's advice : use Yourkit to point out the region responsible for the leak.

I pretty much think that your server is accumulating sessions and message to write in memory, without doing any cleanup.

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